
a tendency to choose to do something (regularly usually)



Maybe living in scary uncertain times has upped my proclivity to mastering piano music and also lately beat saber, really hitting the practice mode. Nice to have something where I feel myself get tangibly better, even if you could argue I could put that energy somewhere else.

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Ellie Slaven

Ellie Slaven

Light that beam! Phew words of the night: imperious, proclivity, prolific, deficit, and audacious. If you donโ€™t already know the meanings, educate yourself.

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Khorax "Kho" Lugnut

Khorax "Kho" Lugnut

Since it's really important to say -- Forcibly rehousing or reparenting children using racial bias (such as a proclivity to mental illness or genetic makeup), and not due to actual abuse or other legitimate reasons IS genocide.

We did this to members of the Native Nations in the US.

It's Genocide.

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