Gatto en Caja

Gatto en Caja

Una muchacha me mandó a callar porque comenté en una nota que no juzgaran a las mujeres que hoy sacaron de una sala de ‘masajes’ ya que no sabemos sus realidades. Dijo que ella sabe que se jactan de lo que hacen y que son felices así. Que si no sé que no opine

Havueno pos mecayo. 🤷🏻‍♀️

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There was a stretch of time where the Super Bowl Halftime Show was Paul McCartney, the Rolling Stones, Tom Petty, Bruce Springsteen, and The Who (only Prince to break up the monotony) and dear lord you could put on a hundred halftime shows that piss off Fox News and it still wouldn't make it even.

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Elio España

Elio España

This arsehole just barged on to our continent, in the city where Chamberlin capitulated to Hitler, & upbraided the leaders of nations whose populations were tortured, imprisoned, murdered, persecuted, whose cities were razed in war, that they aren't being sufficiently welcoming to the far right.

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