
To weaken; make less strong; to reduce in force, intensity, quantity or even value; to make thin or slender

Eva A. García Ferrés

Eva A. García Ferrés

📣 Exciting but belated news: My first, and first-first author publication is out now in Social and Personality Psychology Compass: "Counterfactual thinking may attenuate polarization of COVID-19 prevention behavior"

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Jim Duffee, MD, MPH

Jim Duffee, MD, MPH

This person has a distorted view of public health and bioethics. Solidarity, interdependence and justice (equity in resource allocation) always attenuate individual liberty and bodily autonomy. Neither is absolute. #resisthate #GlobalBioethics

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Hwa Shi-Hsia /xwa51 ʂɚ55 ɕja35/

Hwa Shi-Hsia /xwa51 ʂɚ55 ɕja35/

Overheard in the coffee shop:
overachievers on first date:

Guy: ... mutations in the viral capsid protein which destabilize the capsid but attenuate it in mice.
Girl: Oh yeah I worked with mice once in undergrad, we were putting transparent windows into their skulls so we could see their brains...

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