
a statement in someway that is self-contradictory; a statement that seems wrong when you first read it but in reality expresses some truth.



paradox games—in how they represent “expansion” and elide on the unpleasant and unsatisfying details of what that entails—are perfect vehicles for representing nationalist fantasies in a way that seems “serious” and professional.

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Sarah Hörst

Sarah Hörst

Every day of 2025 I feel like we are closer to figuring out the answer to the Fermi paradox.

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Nicholas Grossman

Nicholas Grossman

If you think intellectual diversity requires including anti-intellectualism — liars, post-truth nihilists, archive destroying fascists, people opposed to the very foundation of free inquiry who would use the state to crush it — it’s past time to realize a version of the paradox of tolerance applies.

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