
to treat serious issues with deliberately inappropriate humor or to be flippant; glib; flippant; sardonic; mischievous;

Yes, THAT Steven Grant...

Yes, THAT Steven Grant...


Did an interview today & was asked what advice I'd give anyone wanting to break in to writing comics today.

I said, "Learn to draw." It took me a little while to realize I wasn't being facetious...

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Marcus Kelson

Marcus Kelson


I'm having the same issues I did when I started on twitter, that mordant and facetious wit that Australians have inherited and warped from the Irish and the English seems to be almost completley lost on many Americans...very literal bunch, which we are not - sorry :)

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David Astle (alias DA)

David Astle (alias DA)


“No word has all 5 vowels in order.”

“Are you being facetious?”

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