
lack of moral principles

Stori3d Past

Stori3d Past

Just learned about early American "Brothel Tokens." Madams had a stash of ONE CENT coins where the E in CENT had been altered to, um, another vowel. They handed out one token on receipt of payment by a customer, which gave access to the brothel. Human ingenuity in baseness has a long pedigree.

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The use of philosophy is to sadden. A philosophy which saddens no one, that annoys no one, is not a philosophy. It is useful for harming stupidity, for turning stupidity into something shameful. Its only use is the exposure of all forms of baseness of thought.

- Gilles Deleuze

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Philippe G

Philippe G

I never give any advice but for once I shall beg you please shut down Twitter Twitter has allways been the worst, the reign of wickedness and baseness and of hideousness. there is no such thing as thinking in 240 characters. It simply is impossible

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