
a person who leaves or renounces their religion or political beliefs or some other principal; defector; traitor; decenter; turncoat

Meg Wise

Meg Wise


Just a friendly reminder that calling someone apostate because you disagree with their theology is exactly what conservative fundamentalists do to me all day long.

Education and thus, deprogramming is key to fighting oppression. Not othering, even though it feels good.

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David Allen Pierce

David Allen Pierce


I feel like a bum because I have been writing more at night than first thing in the morning.

I am an apostate. 😭

#5amwritersclub #Writingcommunity #writers #amwriting

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Because I am an apostate, Christians want to explain to me that I never was a “real Christian”. I readily admit that I never knew god. I believed, but god wasn't there.

Just be clear, if god exists, it was by his/her/its choice, not mine.
I deeply desired to know.

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